E.Spark kärjetön sytytys 3BOS4C2 (Bosch virranjakajat)
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Päivitä vanhan kärrysi kärjellinen sytytys helposti kärjettömään. E.Spark on euroopassa valmistettu kärjetön sytytys, joka mahtuu kokonaan virranjakajan sisälle, sopii siis myös museoautoihin. Ominaisuuksiltaan sama kuin esim. Ignitor, mutta huomattavasti halvemmalla hinnalla. Jos sopivaa mallia ei löydy listalta, tiedustele!
- Ei enää koskaan kärkien säätöä, ongelmia kosteuden tai korroosion kanssa
- Huomattavasti vahvempi kipinä
- Parempi käynnistyvyys
- Pienempi polttoaineen kulutus
- Helppo asennus, vain kaksi johtoa! Voidaan asentaa virranjakajaa irroittamatta.
- "Stealth" asennus, koko yksikkö mahtuu virranjakajan kannen alle
Tämä E.Spark malli sopii 4-sylinterisiin bensamoottoreihin, joissa on Bosch virranjakaja ns. "right side pivoting" 2-osaisilla katkojan kärjillä.
Katso sopivat jakajat alta, katso mallikuva kärjistä ja vertaa.
Tämä malli sopii useimpiin Volvon vanhempiin Bosch jakajiin, joissa yleensä valurautainen kuori (Amazon, PV, 140, Pyhimys). Tarkista jakajan osanumero sen kyljestä ja vertaa listaan.
1966-68 4-cyl 122 Series (2-piece, right-hand points, non-vacuum-advance)
1966-68 4-cyl 1800S (2-piece, right-hand points, non-vacuum-advance)
1967-68 4-cyl 140 Series (2-piece, right-hand points, non-vacuum-advance)
Volvo with Bosch 0 231 153 009 distributor (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
Volvo-Penta with 4-cylinder Bosch Distributor:
18B (100HP), BB70 (80HP) - Bosch Distributor VJ (with 2-piece points)
AQ60F, AQ90, AQ100, AQ110, AQ120, BB30, BB100, AQ95, AQ95A, AQ120A, MB18F, MB20, MB20B, MB20C, BB30, BB100 (with 2-piece points)
100, 110/120 - Bosch 0 231 110 038 (with 2-piece points)
95, 95A, 100, 110, 120, 200 - Bosch 0 231 153 003 (with 2-piece points)
AQ115A, AQ115B, BB115A, BB115B, BB115C, AQ120, AQ200, MB20A, AQ130A, AQ130B, AQ130C, AQ130D - Bosch 0 231 153 007 (with 2-piece points)
Volvo-Penta with Bosch Distributor:
VJ (with 2-piece points)
0 231 153 003 (with 2-piece points)
0 231 110 038 (with 2-piece points)
1966-68 4-cyl Giulia, Spider - Bosch 0 231 100 041
1967-68 4-cyl Sprint GT, Veloce - Bosch
Mercedes-Benz 4-cylinder
Mercedes Benz 190SL - Bosch VJR 4 BR 11 (VJR4BR11) (with 2-piece, right-hand points, non-vacuum-advance)
Mercedes Benz 190SL - Bosch VJR 4 BR 24 (VJR4BR24) (with 2-piece, right-hand points, non-vacuum-advance)
Porsche 4-Cylinder
Bosch Distributor VE 4 BRS 383 (VE4BRS383)
Bosch Distributor VJ 4 BR 9 (VJ4BR9)- 3BOS4C2
Bosch Distributor VJR 4 BR 18 (VJR4BR18)
Bosch Distributor 0 231 129 022
Bosch Distributor 0 231 129 031
1948-1955 Porsche 356 - Bosch VE4BRS383
1955-66 Porsche 356 - Bosch 0 231 129 022 (with right-hand, 2-piece points)
1956-1957 Porsche 356 - Bosch VJ4 BR9 (VJ4BR9)
1958-1963 Porsche 356 - Bosch VJR4 BR18 (VJR4BR18)
1964-1967 Porsche 356/912 - Bosch 0 231 129 022
1966-67 Porsche 912 - Bosch 0 231 129 022 (with right-hand, 2-piece points)
All air-cooled Porsche retrofitted with these Bosch 4-cyl distributors
Bosch VE 4 BRS 383 (VE4BRS383) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
Bosch VJ 4 BR 8 (VJ4BR8) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
Bosch VJ 4 BR 9 (VJ4BR9) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
Bosch VJR4BR18 (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
Bosch VJ 4 BR 24 (VJ4BR24) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
Bosch VJ 4 BR 25 (VJ4BR25) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
Bosch 0 231 129 010
Bosch 0 231 129 019 (JFR4) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
Bosch 0 231 129 022
Various Bosch 4-cylinder, Non-Vacuum-Advance Distributors with 2-Piece, Right-Hand Points:
0 231 100 041
0 231 110 041
0 231 129 010
0 231 129 019
0 231 129 022
0 231 153 009
Volkswagen, Air-cooled:
1948-1953 VW 25HP - Bosch VE 4 BRS 383 (VE4BRS383) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
1954/55-1959 Type 2 36HP - Bosch VJ4 BR8 (VJ4BR8) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
1959-1960 Type 2 40HP - Bosch VJ4 BR25 (VJ4BR25) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
1960s VW/Porsche - Bosch 0 231 129 019 (JFR4) (with 2-piece, right-hand points)
Fits these 4-cylinder VW (Bosch) distributors:
0 231 129 010
0 231 129 019
0 231 129 022
Various Bosch Distributors:
0 231 100 041 4-cyl
0 231 110 041 4-cyl
0 231 129 010 4-cyl
0 231 129 019 4-cyl
0 231 129 022 4-cyl
0 231 153 002 4-cyl
0 231 153 009 4-cyl
VE4BRS383 4-cyl
VJ4BR18 4-cyl
VJ4BR25 4-cyl
VJ4BR8 4-cyl
VJ4BR9 4-cyl
VJR4BR11 4-cyl
VJR4BR18 4-cyl
VJR4BR24 4-cyl
VJR4BR25 4-cyl